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How to use Canalis hydra urbano for design and analysis of water and sewage systems


A special set of calculation tools is also available, which enable the calculation of storm, sanitary and point flows by using various methods, as well as the hydraulic calculation and sizing of gravity and pressure sewage networks.

The calculation of storm and sanitary flows can be done using various national and international methods. For the calculation of storm flows, a rational method with a fixed or variable rain intensity (IDF curves) is used and for the calculation of sanitary flows, a percentage calculation or the influence areas method is used. Flows can also be set interactively (point) through a data table. Defined flows can be grouped into scenarios and then these scenarios can be used for parallel hydraulic calculation and comparison of results by different scenarios.

Canalis hydra urbano

A special function for the hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines enables the sizing of pressure pipelines based on previously defined flows and a set target velocity. In addition to pipe sizing, it is possible to make a calculation according to existing diameters. In addition to the standard hydraulic values, the result of the calculation is also the manometric head of the pump.

Using Hydra and Canalis we have fast and reliable results, the ability to view intersections of systems, and hydraulic calculations of the network in minutes. We estimate the design efficiency with Hydra and Canalis to be about 10 km of network per day.

In Urbano Hydra, you can input various types of water demands by using various methods (domestic water demand, industrial and commercial water demand, demand for public uses, firefighting demand, water losses, etc.). And for each type of water demand, you can create any number of water demand configurations. For example, local residents and tourists for domestic water demands, any number of point demands (hotels, factories, etc.) and various alternatives for firefighting demands. You can set firefighting demands at different points in the network and analyze all the hydraulic values (velocities, headlosses, pressures, etc.) in cases of differently allocated fires or different number of simultaneous fires on selected locations.

After creating different scenarios, it is possible to preview, analyze and compare the results of parallel hydraulic calculations in special preview tables. You can select which scenarios you want to compare, and see the results in different colors. You can analyze values in the table, scenario by scenario or data by data. By using various selection options, you can preview, analyze and compare calculation results in specific parts of the network.

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Výsledky hydraulických výpočtov je možné prezerať cez prehľadné tabuľky, popisky uzlov, vetví, pozdĺžny profil a pod. Katalóg zahŕňa množstvo konštrukčných prvkov od rôznych výrobcov ako armatúry, ventily, T a X prvkov, oblúkové prvky a pod. Prvky je možné doplniť aj o AutoCAD bloky. Montážnu schému (kladačský výkres) je jednoduché vygenerovať tak, že všetky prvky sa dajú uchytiť, otočiť, zameniť a pod. Ako symboly môžu byť použité vlastné preddefinované bloky, výstupné tabuľky umožňujú taktiež maximálnu variabilitu zobrazovaných údajov.

First of all, we should activate special panel which is used fordefinition of catchment areas, calculating of storm and sanitaryflows and hydraulic dimensioning. From the Main Workspace it isnecessary to activate button Canalis Workspace as shown on bellowpicture:

We can make hydraulic calculation, i.e. calculate diameters,fulfillment of pipe and velocity of flow, when we have slope of thesection and its total flow. In Urbano Canalis it is possible tomake hydraulic calculation when flow and diameter are known andslope should be calculated. Hydraulic calculation is based onPrandtl-Colebrook's formulas.

Hydraulic calculation will calculate minimum diameter, which isnecessary to satisfy conditions of defined flow and slope. Then theprogram analyze defined group of pipes and select the first biggerdiameter in the group. For that diameter (in our example 138),program calculates all hydraulic values like velocity, fillingheight and other. Probably we will not be satisfied with that firstdiameter. We can open the pop-down list Diameters from catalogueand select some bigger diameter. Automatically, all dependenthydraulic values (velocity, filling height, ...) in the list arerecalculated. When we are satisfied with the results, we shouldpress the button Save, and continue with the next section in theselection. Next section is set by arrow buttons, in the left partof the dialog.

With the Topology Selection Button select the option Currentsystem. With the Pipe catalogue pop-down button select S0_PEHD_SN8pipe group. Define calculation with the conditions in which maximumfilling percent cannot exceed 80% and minimum diameter cannot beless than 300 mm. Start button Compute and hydraulic calculation ismade for the whole system.

First of all, reason why this happened, is because of slope. Ifyou look in the longitudinal section of the main channel, you cansee that last sections has significantly bigger slope than upstreamsections. So this is reason, regardless bigger flow, that thosesections in automatic hydraulic calculation received smallerdiameters.

In the dialog Hydraulics calculation>Section group, under theCondition check box, Diameter not smaller than upstream check boxwasnt selected. Repeat the hydraulic calculation with parametersdefined before and checked the check box Diameter not smaller thanupstream.

In the example we will create one query. When hydrauliccalculation is performed, it is very important to see what areminimum velocities in the system. For example we would like to seeif there are sections with the velocity less than 1 m/s.

Define the name of the query in the edit box for the namedefinition. Define it as Velocity less than 1. With the DataPicker, from the group of Sewage hydraulic data select the valueVelocity in partially fulfilled pipe. DC on that value, to transferthat value to the right part of dialog. From the pop-down list ofoperators choose operator less ( Remove styles from drawing (styleconfigurations stay intact)) 2ff7e9595c


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