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Minpet Software Free Downloadl


All of these programs are freeware and can be found on at: GIS & Geology, SIGEOLThe tools and geologic databases run on TNTmips (GIS/image processing software from MicroImages, Inc.) : Geologic Attributes databases : stratigraphy, fault geometry, types of contacts, petrography ... GIS layer generator for geologic photo-interpretation Dips and thickness calculation Steronet, Wulff diagrams Styles and symbols ...

Minpet Software Free Downloadl

T J B Holland and S A T Redfern (1997) "Unit cell refinement from powder diffraction data: the use of regression diagnostics". Mineralogical Magazine 61: 65-77.JCrystalSoft creates commercial crystallographic software for educational and research purposes. Their products include: JCrystal - KrystalShaper - NanotubeModeler - WinWulff - FTL-SE - Kossel/Kikuchi - QuaRef.MAUD Materials Analysis Using Diffraction, A Rietveld extended program to perform combined analysis. MAUD can be used to fit diffraction, fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons.EQS4WIN Chemical equilibrium solverCommercial program which solves equilibrium problems from a wide range of fields using a unique unified theoretical approachAdditionally solves unique special problem typesIncorporates robust and efficient computational kernelProfessional-quality Windows user interface (no Mac version available)Input data may be in terms of either reactions or individual speciesBuilt-in thermochemical database corrects errors in JANAF TablesTechnical support provided by Dr. W. R. Smith, a leading researcher in the fieldIdeal for educational use; free Lite version solves many useful problemsDownload from FABRIC7 for analysis of structural and strain dataCommercial program for Windows for the solution of various problems in structural geology, petrofabrics, neotectonics, sedimentology, rock mechanics, engeneering geology, physical geography, geophysics, and other fields of earth sciences (from the author).By Prof. Dr. Eckart Wallbrecher, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Graz, Austria.eckart.wallbrecher@uni-graz.atDownload from is a Windows packages for plotting stereographic projections and rose diagrams, including wind roses (GEOrient); for structural and oriented drillcore calculations (GeoCalculator); for strain, and shear zone calculations; GIS (Mapinfo) software for calculating vector trends (azimuths) and lengths (GeoMapVector) and tools for plotting structural symbols on maps in MapInfo (GeoMapSymbol). The packages are developed by Rod Holcombe.GeoChemicalData ToolKIT, or in short GCDkit, is a Windows program written by V. Janousek, C. M. Farrow, V. Erban & J. Smid for handling and recalculation of whole-rock analyses from igneous rocks. The main features of GCDkit are:

Roger Nielsen's magmatic differentiation programs BLF and MIXNFRACRoger Nielsen's phase equilibria programs for modeling magmatic differentiation are described in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta and in Reviews of Mineralogy, vol. 24.Here's information on running the programs: Readme - BLF and MixnfracBelow are links to the files.The fortran source codes, and PC-executables are available in uuencoded format; a fortran compiler should allow you to run these programs on the platform of your choice.On your browser, the files may be unformatted (lacking line breaks). To view the files as formatted documents, use the "view sources" feature on your browser, or download the files and look at them in a text editor using a monospaced font.To decode the uuencoded binaries, you will need a uudecoder program, unless your web browser has one built in.BLF.DATBLF.FORBLFEXE.uueMIXNFRAC.DATMIXPLOT.uueMIXNFRAC.FORmixnfracexe.uueNEWDS3.DATRANDOM.DATMIXNFRAC.OUTpetro-calc-plotPetro.Calc.PlotGary B. SidderU.S. Geological SurveyDenver Federal CenterBox 25046, MS-905Denver, CO 80225-0046303-236-5607/FAX is a package of macros that run in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and 4.0 for Macintosh and PC computers. The macros have also been written to run in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and 4.0 for Windows . (only the Mac versions are uploaded on this site right now; contact Gary Sidder if you need them). PETRO.CALC.PLOT minimizes repetition and time required to recalculate and plot whole-rock oxide data for petrologic analysis. Macros provided in PETRO.CALC.PLOT normalize w hole-rock oxide data to 100 percent, calculate the cation percentages and molecular proportions used for normative mineral calculations, compute the apices for common ternary diagrams, determine sums and ratios of specific elements of petrologic interest, and plot 33 X-Y graphs and five ternary diagrams. PETRO.CALC.PLOT may also be used to create other diagrams as desired by the user.Petrograph, a program to visualize, classify and model whole rock geochemical data and create plots.Pingu is a tool for plotting standard major element and trace elements diagrams. The input is a file separated by tabs or spaces in which each row is a particular sample. There are two ways to input the data: right button-click upload or from the Workspace (advanced users). A tab with different alternatives of plots and another to set the key of the plot are provided. The output can be directly downloaded from Vhub to your personal computer as a high quality jpeg image.Some Available plots: Harker and Fenner variation diagrams; TAS and K2O-SiO2 classification diagrams; AFM diagram; REE elements diagram; Sun and McDonough spider diagrams; Pearce Spider diagram; Generic ternary plot (X-Y-Z); Generic binary (X-Y) plot. (free)Mineralogy chemical analysis recalculation templates for Excel by Andy Tindle.Programs for plotting data on ternary plots (some web sites have quaternary plotting programs)Prosim ternary diagram software for PC (free) 2ff7e9595c

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