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What You Need to Know About Rescuing or Ransoming a Prisoner Warband in Mount & Blade: Warband


Rescue or Ransom prisonerGiven byA Lord or LadyTime limit30 daysRefresh rate? daysReward5000 denars, 500 exp, +6 relations with rescuee, +2 relations with all of the rescuee's family members, +2 relations with rescuee's faction, +10 relations with quest giverThis is a quest given by a Lord or Lady of a friendly faction who has imprisoned relatives.

rescue or ransom a prisoner warband

A Lord or Lady will ask you to rescue a member of their family from captivity, who have been denied the treatment they deserve as noble prisoners. The imprisoned person in prison will always be a Vassal, as Ladies can only be taken captive by Players and are never kept in dungeons - the throwing of the noble in a dungeon instead of granting them proper conduct.

The prisoner you need to rescue is kept within the dungeon of a Fortification - either a castle or a town - belong to a faction that is hostile to the quest givers.This does not necessarily mean that it is hostile to you - in fact, rescuing lord from a non-hostile faction is easiest as you don't have to give up your equipment and sneak into the town.

My (relative), (lord #1), has been take prisoner by (lord #2) of the (faction). Normally, honorable nobles will grant prisoners of gentle blood the privilege of parole, and treat them as honored guests so long as they give their word that they will not attempt to escape, until such time as a ransom can be paid. But (lord #2), instead of granting (lord #1) parole, has consigned my son to his dungeons -- no doubt in the hope that he can demand more from us.

We need you to get my (relative) out of prison. You may be able to pay a ransom -- in which case we could cover your expenses up to 5000 denars. If you have connections within (prisoner location), you may be able to use them to sneak him out. Or, you can try a more direct approach -- walk up to the gaoler, take the keys by force, and then fight your way out. Can you do this for us?

You can only capture the enemies who have been knocked unconscious through the use of blunt weapons (horse charging is also blunt damage). Very rarely, sharp weapons may result in wounding, due to reasons unknown (possibly the surgery skill on the opposite side). Once you have taken prisoners, you may recruit them to your party, ransom them to Red Brotherhood agents or Ramun the Slave Trader (found in taverns in cities), or garrison them in a city. Also, if the enemy has prisoners, after defeating him the player is allowed to get these prisoners to his army, and trade them for theirs (if he lacks party room). This feature only applies to non-elite troops (nearly all troops with level 39 and lower, except for the Noldor Warrior)

Prisoners can be a great source of money if you have high Prisoner Management, or a city or castle to store them in. If you have a city, you can put all your prisoners in it until a ransom broker appears in your tavern. If you have no city but have higher prisoner management, you can travel around capturing prisoners and selling them as you find ransom brokers. If you have a castle, you can check nearby cities until you find a broker, and then convey your prisoners to his location.

You can also talk to the prisoner directly (while they are in your party) for an option to immediately get a ransom and release the prisoner. This is recommended if you do not have a walled fief to detain the prisoner in, as they will likely escape anyway.

You can rescue captured lords of a neutral or friendly kingdom from your enemies in two ways. The first is to simply defeat the lord that took them prisoner in battle so long as he has not put them into a dungeon yet, this will automatically free the captured lord and you will gain a small bonus in relation with them.

If the lord is being held captive in a hostile walled fief, you can sneak into the fief, knock out the prison guard (this can be very difficult in cities where you may find yourself surrounded by up to 4 high-tier troops, in a confined space, wielding only robes and a quarterstaff) then enter the prison and tell the captured lord that you're there to rescue him. This may become easier by bribing a village belonging to that city/castle to start a fire. The fire will start in one hour or at midnight by your choice, and most of the guards will be gone while fighting off the guards with the prisoner.

After capturing a castle or city, you may find ladies who failed to escape. You can talk to them and let them go free (+1 relationship), or hold them prisoner for ransom (loss of relationship and honor, profit if a deal is offered).

How can I recruit prisoners to my army in Bannerlord? In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, the most efficient way to get new troops for your army is to recruit prisoners and convince them to change their alliances. That's not all you can do with your prisoners though: you can also ransom them for a good source funds for your campaign, if you prefer.

Once you've taken an enemy character prisoner, you have a few choices of how to deal with them. Your main options are recruitment or ransom, and your decision will probably be led by whether you're more in need of troops or gold at the time.

If you don't fancy recruiting any of them as troops, then the simplest way to deal with your prisoners is to ransom them. Head to the biggest town nearby and you'll find a tavern where you can ransom some or all of the prisoners you have, in exchange for gold.

Ransoming prisoners also has the side effect of increasing your trade and roguery skill points, and I highly recommend taking some time to ransom them one by one to increase those skill points multiple times.

If your relation with a soldier's faction plus 3x of your persuasion skill >= 40, you can recruit a soldier of any level.If your relation with a soldier's faction plus 3x of your persuasion skill >= 0, you can recruit all of those whose level is smaller than yours+2x*persuasion. Others (whose level is higher) will join you partially, depending on the difference between the levels. The rest of "friendly" soldiers will go away.You should get the remaining hostile "rescued" soldiers as prisoners.Exception 1: if you're at war with faction X but also have its culture in your kingdom, you will get half of rescued troops from this faction as troops and another half as prisoners.Exception 2: if a faction is defeated, relation requirement is passed automatically (Falcons are an exception), only level requirement remains.Note: This formula does not apply to enemies you beat and take prisoner, for that you require a higher level and positive relations with their faction.

As soon as the city was relieved parties of Legionaries and Regulares evacuated the Spanish personnel from the 100 outposts around Xaüen (Scurr, 1985). Casualties were heavy with some of the rescue parties being almost destroyed (Fleming, 1995). The Riffi demanded a ransom of two rifles for each man to be evacuated but rarely kept to the bargain. All Spanish forces were concentrated in the city itself by 14 Nov. 2ff7e9595c

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